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Mapping an arcade stick

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Mapping an arcade stick Empty Mapping an arcade stick

Post by Dr_Wolfman 21/06/24, 03:32 pm

hello, Bonjour,
I know how to remap a controller but,
How do you map an arcade stick when there is no D pad?
As far as I can tell you cannot map a controller without a d pad. The long press of a button to bypass a key map doesn't seem to work, and mapping the analog stick onto the Dpad wont work either. If you can help thanks.

Messages : 15
Date d'inscription : 2023-08-27

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Mapping an arcade stick Empty Re: Mapping an arcade stick

Post by Lorenzolamas 21/06/24, 05:27 pm


The long press of a button to bypass a key map work fine for me, with 2 arcade stick.

Messages : 2645
Date d'inscription : 2019-07-28

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Mapping an arcade stick Empty Re: Mapping an arcade stick

Post by Dr_Wolfman 21/06/24, 05:46 pm

Thanks Lorenzolamas,
I did try that,(as per FAQ) but perhaps I did it wrong somehow? I'll give it another pass and hold the button for longer, perhaps. Thanks again

Messages : 15
Date d'inscription : 2023-08-27

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Mapping an arcade stick Empty Re: Mapping an arcade stick

Post by digitek50 18/08/24, 03:08 pm

I have this exact problem. The D pad will not allow me to long press and I'm unable to set up my arcade sticks.

Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 2024-08-18

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Mapping an arcade stick Empty Re: Mapping an arcade stick

Post by R1110 19/08/24, 06:28 pm

map stick to dpad, skip the others, viola! everything should be good.

Messages : 41
Date d'inscription : 2024-07-11

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