[RESOLU] Actionmax problème du lancement des jeux
5 posters
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papapat911- Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 2024-08-25
Re: [RESOLU] Actionmax problème du lancement des jeux
Il faudrait partager ton fichier emulatorlauncher.log
Il faudrait partager ton fichier emulatorlauncher.log
tartifless- Admin
- Messages : 1674
Date d'inscription : 2021-04-27
Re: [RESOLU] Actionmax problème du lancement des jeux
Merci pour ta réponse, comment mettre le fichier directement ?
- Spoiler:
- 2024-08-25 13:42:36.847 [INFO] --------------------------------------------------------------
2024-08-25 13:42:36.852 [INFO] [Startup] "C:\RetroBat\emulationstation\emulatorLauncher.exe" -gameinfo "C:\Users\ppatr\AppData\Local\Temp\emulationstation.tmp\game.xml" -p1index 0 -p1guid 030000005e0400008e02000000007200 -p1path "USB\VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00\6&3A812D0E&2&00" -p1name "Xbox 360 Controller" -p1nbbuttons 11 -p1nbhats 1 -p1nbaxes 6 -system actionmax -emulator hypseus -core hypseus -rom "C:\RetroBat\roms\actionmax\38ambushalley.actionmax"
2024-08-25 13:42:36.852 [INFO] [Startup] Loading configuration.
2024-08-25 13:42:36.860 [INFO] [Startup] Loading ES settings.
2024-08-25 13:42:37.283 [INFO] [Game] 38ambushalley
2024-08-25 13:42:37.294 [INFO] [Startup] Loading Controller configuration.
2024-08-25 13:42:37.434 [INFO] [Generator] Using HypseusGenerator
2024-08-25 13:42:37.530 [INFO] [Generator] Loading features.
2024-08-25 13:42:37.538 [INFO] [Generator] Getting hypseus path and executable name.
2024-08-25 13:42:37.616 [INFO] [SdlGameController] 1 SDL controller(s) connected
2024-08-25 13:42:37.624 [INFO] [SdlGameController] Loading SDL controller mapping : 0 => 030003F05E0400008E02000000007200, Xbox 360 Controller, USB\VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00\6&3A812D0E&2&00
2024-08-25 13:42:37.856 [INFO] [PadToKey] Loaded C:\RetroBat\emulationstation\.emulationstation\es_padtokey.cfg
2024-08-25 13:42:37.861 [INFO] [Running] C:\RetroBat\emulators\hypseus\hypseus.exe singe vldp -retropath -framefile C:\RetroBat\roms\actionmax\actionmax\38ambushalley.txt -script C:\RetroBat\roms\actionmax\actionmax\38ambushalley.singe -manymouse -datadir C:\RetroBat\emulators\hypseus -homedir C:\RetroBat\emulators\hypseus -fullscreen -x 1920 -y 1080 -opengl -fastboot -force_aspect_ratio
2024-08-25 13:42:37.956 [INFO] [PadToKey] Add joystick Xbox 360 Controller - Device:0, Player:1, Path:USB\VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00\6&3A812D0E&2&00
2024-08-25 13:42:43.514 [INFO] Xbox 360 Controller - Device:0, Player:1, Path:USB\VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00\6&3A812D0E&2&00
2024-08-25 13:42:43.543 [INFO] [Generator] Cleanup.
2024-08-25 13:42:43.543 [ERROR] [Generator] Exit code 200
2024-08-25 13:42:54.979 [INFO] --------------------------------------------------------------
2024-08-25 13:42:54.983 [INFO] [Startup] "C:\RetroBat\emulationstation\emulatorLauncher.exe" -gameinfo "C:\Users\ppatr\AppData\Local\Temp\emulationstation.tmp\game.xml" -p1index 0 -p1guid 030000005e0400008e02000000007200 -p1path "USB\VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00\6&3A812D0E&2&00" -p1name "Xbox 360 Controller" -p1nbbuttons 11 -p1nbhats 1 -p1nbaxes 6 -system actionmax -emulator hypseus -core hypseus -rom "C:\RetroBat\roms\actionmax\38ambushalley.actionmax"
2024-08-25 13:42:54.984 [INFO] [Startup] Loading configuration.
2024-08-25 13:42:54.992 [INFO] [Startup] Loading ES settings.
2024-08-25 13:42:55.416 [INFO] [Game] 38ambushalley
2024-08-25 13:42:55.426 [INFO] [Startup] Loading Controller configuration.
2024-08-25 13:42:55.568 [INFO] [Generator] Using HypseusGenerator
2024-08-25 13:42:55.663 [INFO] [Generator] Loading features.
2024-08-25 13:42:55.671 [INFO] [Generator] Getting hypseus path and executable name.
2024-08-25 13:42:55.748 [INFO] [SdlGameController] 1 SDL controller(s) connected
2024-08-25 13:42:55.756 [INFO] [SdlGameController] Loading SDL controller mapping : 0 => 030003F05E0400008E02000000007200, Xbox 360 Controller, USB\VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00\6&3A812D0E&2&00
2024-08-25 13:42:55.988 [INFO] [PadToKey] Loaded C:\RetroBat\emulationstation\.emulationstation\es_padtokey.cfg
2024-08-25 13:42:55.992 [INFO] [Running] C:\RetroBat\emulators\hypseus\hypseus.exe singe vldp -retropath -framefile C:\RetroBat\roms\actionmax\actionmax\38ambushalley.txt -script C:\RetroBat\roms\actionmax\actionmax\38ambushalley.singe -manymouse -datadir C:\RetroBat\emulators\hypseus -homedir C:\RetroBat\emulators\hypseus -fullscreen -x 1920 -y 1080 -opengl -fastboot -force_aspect_ratio
2024-08-25 13:42:56.087 [INFO] [PadToKey] Add joystick Xbox 360 Controller - Device:0, Player:1, Path:USB\VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00\6&3A812D0E&2&00
2024-08-25 13:43:01.625 [INFO] Xbox 360 Controller - Device:0, Player:1, Path:USB\VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00\6&3A812D0E&2&00
2024-08-25 13:43:01.656 [INFO] [Generator] Cleanup.
2024-08-25 13:43:01.657 [ERROR] [Generator] Exit code 200
papapat911- Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 2024-08-25
Re: [RESOLU] Actionmax problème du lancement des jeux
Sans doute un soucis dans le fichier .singe du coup
tartifless- Admin
- Messages : 1674
Date d'inscription : 2021-04-27
Re: [RESOLU] Actionmax problème du lancement des jeux
- Spoiler:
- dofile("../../roms/actionmax/framework.singe")
stateStartup = 0
stateSetup = 1
stateTitle = 2
stateMenu = 3
stateIntro = 4
statePlaying = 5
stateGameOver = 6
gameStandard = 0
gameLimited = 1
pixelLow = 0
pixelHigh = 1
pixelUnknown = 2
sprLightOn = spriteLoad("../../roms/actionmax/sprite_lighton.png")
sprLightOff = spriteLoad("../../roms/actionmax/sprite_lightoff.png")
sprActionMax = spriteLoad("../../roms/actionmax/sprite_actionmax.png")
sprCrosshair = spriteLoad("../../roms/actionmax/sprite_crosshair.png")
sprBullet = spriteLoad("../../roms/actionmax/sprite_bullet.png")
sprBoxArt = spriteLoad("../../roms/actionmax/sprite_" .. string.lower(gameID) .. ".png")
sndActionMax = soundLoad("../../roms/actionmax/sound_actionmax.wav")
sndSteadyAim = soundLoad("../../roms/actionmax/sound_asteadyaimiscritical.wav")
sndGetReady = soundLoad("../../roms/actionmax/sound_getreadyforaction.wav")
sndGunShot = soundLoad("../../roms/actionmax/sound_gunshot.wav")
sndGoodHit = soundLoad("../../roms/actionmax/sound_goodhit.wav")
sndBadHit = soundLoad("../../roms/actionmax/sound_badhit.wav")
sndGameOver = soundLoad("../../roms/actionmax/sound_gameover.wav")
mouseX = 0
mouseY = 0
halfWidth = 0
crosshairCenterX = spriteGetWidth(sprCrosshair) / 2
crosshairCenterY = spriteGetHeight(sprCrosshair) / 2
currentState = stateStartup
gameMode = gameStandard
shotsFired = 0 -- Total Fired
shotsGood = 0 -- Hit our target
shotsBad = 0 -- Hit our friends
scoreDisplay = 0 -- How long the score is yet to be displayed
scoreTimer = 4 -- How long to display the score + 1
lightDisplay = 0 -- How long the light is yet to be displayed
lightTimer = 2 -- How long to display the light + 1
triggerPulled = 0 -- This isn't quite a boolean. It counts down so we can get multiple pixel samples across frames.
ammoLeft = 0 -- Number of misses remaining in limited ammo mode
ammoCount = 5 -- Number of misses allowed in limited ammo mode
gunLastState = pixelUnknown
sensorLastState = pixelUnknown
thisSeconds = 0
lastSeconds = 0
heartbeat = false
fntBlueStone20 = fontLoad("../../roms/actionmax/font_bluestone.ttf", 20)
fntChemRea16 = fontLoad("../../roms/actionmax/font_chemrea.ttf", 16)
fntChemRea32 = fontLoad("../../roms/actionmax/font_chemrea.ttf", 32)
fntChemRea48 = fontLoad("../../roms/actionmax/font_chemrea.ttf", 48)
fntLEDReal32 = fontLoad("../../roms/actionmax/font_led_real.ttf", 32)
colorBackground(0, 0, 0)
colorForeground(255, 255, 0)
sprPullToStart = fontToSprite("Pull Trigger to Start!")
sprGetReady = fontToSprite("Get Ready!")
colorForeground(255, 255, 255)
sprLastGame = fontToSprite("LAST GAME SCORE")
colorForeground(255, 255, 0)
sprSelectGameType = fontToSprite("Select Game Type")
sprStandard1 = fontToSprite("Standard")
sprStandard2 = fontToSprite("Game")
sprLimited1 = fontToSprite("Limited")
sprLimited2 = fontToSprite("Ammo")
colorForeground(255, 0, 0)
sprGameOver = fontToSprite("GAME OVER")
function getPixelState(intX, intY)
r1, g1, b1 = vldpGetPixel(intX, intY)
-- Determine pixel state
if ((255 - r1 < highThreshold) and (255 - g1 < highThreshold) and (255 - b1 < highThreshold)) then
pixelState = pixelHigh
elseif ((r1 < lowThreshold) and (g1 < lowThreshold) and (b1 < lowThreshold)) then
pixelState = pixelLow
pixelState = pixelUnknown
return pixelState
function onInputPressed(intWhat)
--dr, dg, db = vldpGetPixel(mouseX, mouseY)
--debugPrint("Current Frame: " .. discGetFrame() .. " X: " .. mouseX .. " Y: " .. mouseY .. " R: " .. dr .. " G: " .. dg .. " B: " .. db)
-- They fired!
if (intWhat == SWITCH_BUTTON3) then
if (currentState == stateTitle) then
discSearch(lengthIntro + lengthGame + 2)
currentState = stateMenu
elseif (currentState == stateMenu) then
if (mouseX < halfWidth) then
gameMode = gameStandard
ammoLeft = ammoCount
gameMode = gameLimited
shotsFired = 0
shotsGood = 0
shotsBad = 0
colorForeground(255, 0, 0)
currentState = stateIntro
elseif (currentState == statePlaying) then
-- Make gunshot noise
-- We want to sample across two frames
triggerPulled = 2
shotsFired = shotsFired + 1
-- No matter what, we subtract ammo. On good hits, we add it back to make it look like nothing changed.
if (gameMode == gameLimited) then
ammoLeft = ammoLeft - 1
--dbgPaused = 0
--dbgSpeed = 1
function onInputReleased(intWhat)
--[[ We don't use this. All this is debug stuff.
if (intWhat == SWITCH_BUTTON1) then
if (currentState == statePlaying) then
discSearch(lengthIntro + lengthGame - 60)
if (dbgPaused == 1) then
dbgPaused = 0
dbgPaused = 1
if (intWhat == SWITCH_RIGHT) then
if (dbgSpeed < 4) then
dbgSpeed = dbgSpeed + 1
discChangeSpeed(dbgSpeed, 1)
if (intWhat == SWITCH_LEFT) then
if (dbgSpeed > 1) then
dbgSpeed = dbgSpeed - 1
discChangeSpeed(dbgSpeed, 1)
if (intWhat == SWITCH_UP) then
if (intWhat == SWITCH_DOWN) then
function onMouseMoved(intX, intY, intXrel, intYrel)
-- Remember the mouse location for use later.
mouseX = intX
mouseY = intY
function onOverlayUpdate()
currentFrame = discGetFrame()
-- Give us a 1 second heartbeat for overlay element timing
thisSeconds = os.time(os.date('*t'))
if (thisSeconds ~= lastSeconds) then
heartbeat = not heartbeat
lastSeconds = thisSeconds
-- Tick off floating score display
if (scoreDisplay > 0) then
scoreDisplay = scoreDisplay - 1
-- Tick off light timer
if (lightDisplay > 0) then
lightDisplay = lightDisplay - 1
if (currentState == stateStartup) then
-- We run this state to cause the overlay to update once before we use the dimensions to build the menu
currentState = stateSetup
elseif (currentState == stateSetup) then
-- We do all the math to draw the menu here, one time.
halfWidth = (overlayGetWidth() / 2)
logoTop = 5
logoLeft = halfWidth - (spriteGetWidth(sprActionMax) / 2)
logoHeight = logoTop + spriteGetHeight(sprActionMax)
pullToStartHeight = spriteGetHeight(sprPullToStart)
pullToStartTop = overlayGetHeight() - pullToStartHeight
pullToStartLeft = halfWidth - (spriteGetWidth(sprPullToStart) / 2)
getReadyHeight = spriteGetHeight(sprGetReady)
getReadyTop = overlayGetHeight() - getReadyHeight
getReadyLeft = halfWidth - (spriteGetWidth(sprGetReady) / 2)
boxLeft = (halfWidth / 2) - spriteGetWidth(sprBoxArt) / 2 + halfWidth
boxTop = (overlayGetHeight() - (logoHeight + pullToStartHeight)) / 2 - spriteGetHeight(sprBoxArt) / 2 + logoHeight
lastGameLeft = (halfWidth / 2) - spriteGetWidth(sprLastGame) / 2
lastGameTop = logoHeight + logoTop
scoreHeight = 13 -- Point size + 1 instead of spriteGetHeight(sprLastGame)
scoreTop = lastGameTop + scoreHeight + 10
scoreLeft = lastGameLeft
lightLeft = overlayGetWidth() - spriteGetWidth(sprLightOff)
lightTop = overlayGetHeight() - spriteGetHeight(sprLightOff)
bulletWidth = spriteGetWidth(sprBullet)
selectGameTypeLeft = halfWidth - spriteGetWidth(sprSelectGameType) / 2 + 04
selectGameTypeTop = 25
standard1Left = halfWidth / 2 - spriteGetWidth(sprStandard1) / 2 + 8
standard2Left = halfWidth / 2 - spriteGetWidth(sprStandard2) / 2 + 8
limited1Left = halfWidth + (halfWidth / 2) - spriteGetWidth(sprLimited1) / 2 + 4
limited2Left = halfWidth + (halfWidth / 2) - spriteGetWidth(sprLimited2) / 2 + 4
standardLimited1Top = (overlayGetHeight() / 2) - spriteGetHeight(sprStandard1) + 2
standardLimited2Top = (overlayGetHeight() / 2) + 2
gameOverLeft = halfWidth - spriteGetWidth(sprGameOver) / 2
gameOverTop = (overlayGetHeight() / 2) - spriteGetHeight(sprGameOver)
colorForeground(200, 200, 200)
hndActionMaxSound = soundPlay(sndActionMax)
currentState = stateTitle
elseif (currentState == stateTitle) then
spriteDraw(logoLeft, logoTop, sprActionMax)
spriteDraw(boxLeft, boxTop, sprBoxArt)
spriteDraw(lastGameLeft, lastGameTop, sprLastGame)
y = scoreTop
fontPrint(scoreLeft, y, " Shots Fired: " .. shotsFired)
y = y + scoreHeight
fontPrint(scoreLeft, y, " Good Hits: " .. shotsGood)
y = y + scoreHeight
fontPrint(scoreLeft, y, " Bad Hits: " .. shotsBad)
y = y + scoreHeight
fontPrint(scoreLeft, y, " Shot Score: " .. shotsGood - shotsBad)
y = y + scoreHeight * 2
if (shotsFired > 0) then
scorePercent = math.floor((shotsGood - shotsBad) / shotsFired * 100)
scorePercent = 0
fontPrint(scoreLeft, y, " Game Score: " .. scorePercent .. "%")
if (heartbeat) then
spriteDraw(pullToStartLeft, pullToStartTop, sprPullToStart)
elseif (currentState == stateMenu) then
spriteDraw(selectGameTypeLeft, selectGameTypeTop, sprSelectGameType)
spriteDraw(standard1Left, standardLimited1Top, sprStandard1)
spriteDraw(standard2Left, standardLimited2Top, sprStandard2)
spriteDraw(limited1Left, standardLimited1Top, sprLimited1)
spriteDraw(limited2Left, standardLimited2Top, sprLimited2)
if (currentFrame == lengthIntro + lengthGame + lengthMenu) then
discSearch(lengthIntro + lengthGame + 2)
elseif (currentState == stateIntro) then
if (heartbeat) then
spriteDraw(getReadyLeft, getReadyTop, sprGetReady)
-- Skip into game video when the intro is over.
if (currentFrame == lengthIntro) then
discSearch(lengthIntro + 1)
currentState = statePlaying
elseif (currentState == statePlaying) then
-- Read Sucton Cup Sensor.
sensorLastState = sensorState
sensorState = getPixelState(sensorX, sensorY)
-- Are they firing?
if (triggerPulled > 0) then
-- New frame (according to the sensor)?
if (sensorLastState ~= sensorState) then
-- Did they aim outside the suction cup sensor area?
if ((mouseX < sensorLeft) or (mouseY < sensorTop)) then
-- Yes. Process shot.
gunState = getPixelState(mouseX, mouseY)
-- No. They shot the sensor area. Bad user.
gunState = pixelUnknown
-- Are we doing the first or second frame sample?
if (triggerPulled == 1) then
--debugPrint("S1: " .. sensorLastState .. " S2: " .. sensorState .. " G1: " .. gunLastState .. " G2: " .. gunState)
-- Decide what happened. Do we have two good samples of each sensor?
if ((gunState ~= pixelUnknown) and (sensorState ~= pixelUnknown) and (gunLastState ~= pixelUnknown) and (sensorLastState ~= pixelUnknown)) then
-- If the sensor and gun states didn't change between frames, then this makes no sense.
if (gunLastState ~= gunState) then
-- Does the gun match the sensor?
if (gunState == sensorState) then
-- Yes! Hit bad guy!
shotsGood = shotsGood + 1
lightDisplay = lightTimer
-- Add it back to make it look like nothing changed.
if (gameMode == gameLimited) then
ammoLeft = ammoLeft + 1
-- No. Crap - shot a good guy!
shotsBad = shotsBad + 1
-- Float the score for a bit
scoreDisplay = scoreTimer
-- Remember this info for next pass
gunLastState = gunState
-- Get ready for next pass
triggerPulled = triggerPulled - 1
-- When the game is over, return to the menu.
if (currentFrame == lengthIntro + lengthGame) then
colorForeground(255, 255, 255)
currentState = stateTitle
-- Do we need to show the score?
if (scoreDisplay > 0) then
fontPrint(5, 5, "SCORE: " .. (shotsGood - shotsBad))
-- Do we need to light the light?
if (lightDisplay > 0) then
spriteDraw(lightLeft, lightTop, sprLightOn)
spriteDraw(lightLeft, lightTop, sprLightOff)
-- Do we need to draw the ammo display?
if (gameMode == gameLimited) then
-- Are they out of ammo?
if (ammoLeft < 0) then
discSearch(lengthIntro + lengthGame + 2)
currentState = stateGameOver
if (ammoLeft > 0) then
bulletStart = overlayGetWidth() - bulletWidth - 5
for i=1,ammoLeft do
spriteDraw(bulletStart, 0, sprBullet)
bulletStart = bulletStart - bulletWidth
elseif (currentState == stateGameOver) then
spriteDraw(gameOverLeft, gameOverTop, sprGameOver)
if (currentFrame == lengthIntro + lengthGame + lengthMenu) then
colorForeground(255, 255, 255)
currentState = stateTitle
-- Draw gun crosshair (This must be the last thing we draw so it's on top.)
spriteDraw(mouseX - crosshairCenterX, mouseY - crosshairCenterY, sprCrosshair)
function onShutdown()
function onSoundCompleted(intWhich)
-- Play the "A Steady Aim is Critical" sound after "ActionMax" is finished.
if (intWhich == hndActionMaxSound) then
papapat911- Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 2024-08-25
Re: [RESOLU] Actionmax problème du lancement des jeux
Quelqu’un peut me dire si ça fonctionne chez lui que je compare mes fichiers avec lui ?
papapat911- Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 2024-08-25
getupor- Admin
- Messages : 1421
Date d'inscription : 2020-10-04
papapat911- Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 2024-08-25
Aynshe- Messages : 445
Date d'inscription : 2022-03-18
Re: [RESOLU] Actionmax problème du lancement des jeux
Ah oui j'avais pas fait gaffe, c'est un es_system custom...
ça sort d'où ça encore?
ça sort d'où ça encore?
-------------- Please -------------
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Choose an avatar: https://retrobat.forumgaming.fr/t1190-avatar-how-to-choose-an-avatar-on-the-forum
and say "Hello"
Lorenzolamas- Admin
- Messages : 2650
Date d'inscription : 2019-07-28
Re: [RESOLU] Actionmax problème du lancement des jeux
dans tout les cas je ne vois pas pourquoi tu a le chemin /../../roms/etc. dans ton fichier singe, je n'ai jamais touché à ca.
Ton retrobat est une pack tout prêt à tout les coups et peut-être d'une version retrobat antérieur.
Donc repart de zero avec une install fresh de retrobat et un pack roms actionmax clean.
Ton retrobat est une pack tout prêt à tout les coups et peut-être d'une version retrobat antérieur.
Donc repart de zero avec une install fresh de retrobat et un pack roms actionmax clean.
Aynshe- Messages : 445
Date d'inscription : 2022-03-18
Re: [RESOLU] Actionmax problème du lancement des jeux
Bonjour, merci pour vos réponses, non le Retrobat n'est pas un système tout fait je l'ai fait de zéro, c'est juste la partie ActionMax qui était toute faite et j'ai suivi les instructions pour mettre le fichier es_systems_actionmax.cfg où la personne disait avec son pack roms actionmax clean ...
Donc, j'ai supprimer ce fichier "es_systems_actionmax.cfg", le chemin /../../roms/etc. dans le fichier .singe, tout les fichiers .dat dans actionmax, hypseus dans emulators
Maintenant ça se lance mais écran noir avec ça en arrière plan
Je n'ai pas trouver d'autre pack roms actionmax clean
Donc, j'ai supprimer ce fichier "es_systems_actionmax.cfg", le chemin /../../roms/etc. dans le fichier .singe, tout les fichiers .dat dans actionmax, hypseus dans emulators
Maintenant ça se lance mais écran noir avec ça en arrière plan
- Spoiler:
Je n'ai pas trouver d'autre pack roms actionmax clean
papapat911- Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 2024-08-25
Re: [RESOLU] Actionmax problème du lancement des jeux
un exemple chez moi c'est comme ca
- Code:
gameID = "38AmbushAlley"
lengthIntro = 354
lengthGame = 27819
lengthMenu = 96
backgroundFrame = 819
highThreshold = 127
lowThreshold = 20
sensorTop = 182
sensorLeft = 288
sensorX = 312
sensorY = 205
Aynshe- Messages : 445
Date d'inscription : 2022-03-18
Re: [RESOLU] Actionmax problème du lancement des jeux
Il faut attendre, il Parse la vidéo au 1er lancement
tartifless- Admin
- Messages : 1674
Date d'inscription : 2021-04-27
Re: [RESOLU] Actionmax problème du lancement des jeux
Merci pour ta réponse,
si me mets comme toi il ne se lance pas du tout, et si je mets comme ça écran noir
Je pense pas être loin de la solution, mais ...
Aynshe wrote:un exemple chez moi c'est comme ca
- Code:
gameID = "38AmbushAlley"
lengthIntro = 354
lengthGame = 27819
lengthMenu = 96
backgroundFrame = 819
highThreshold = 127
lowThreshold = 20
sensorTop = 182
sensorLeft = 288
sensorX = 312
sensorY = 205
si me mets comme toi il ne se lance pas du tout, et si je mets comme ça écran noir
- Code:
gameID = "38AmbushAlley"
lengthIntro = 354
lengthGame = 27819
lengthMenu = 96
backgroundFrame = 819
highThreshold = 127
lowThreshold = 20
sensorTop = 182
sensorLeft = 288
sensorX = 312
sensorY = 205
Je pense pas être loin de la solution, mais ...
papapat911- Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 2024-08-25
Re: [RESOLU] Actionmax problème du lancement des jeux
tartifless wrote:Il faut attendre, il Parse la vidéo au 1er lancement
J'ai attendu plus de 10 min
papapat911- Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 2024-08-25
Re: [RESOLU] Actionmax problème du lancement des jeux
Un grand merci a vous et Aynshe, ça fonctionne ! on peux clôturer
papapat911- Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 2024-08-25
Re: [RESOLU] Actionmax problème du lancement des jeux
c'était quoi alors le souci ?
-------------- Please -------------
The board rules: https://retrobat.forumgaming.fr/t51-read-befor-posting-retrobat-forum-rules
English FAQ: https://retrobat.forumgaming.fr/t135-faq-retrobat-wip
French FAQ: https://retrobat.forumgaming.fr/t136-faq-retrobat-wip
Spanish FAQ: https://retrobat.forumgaming.fr/t854-faq-retrobat-wip
Retrobat Wiki (english & french): https://wiki.retrobat.org/
Choose an avatar: https://retrobat.forumgaming.fr/t1190-avatar-how-to-choose-an-avatar-on-the-forum
and say "Hello"
Lorenzolamas- Admin
- Messages : 2650
Date d'inscription : 2019-07-28
Re: [RESOLU] Actionmax problème du lancement des jeux
C'était mon set de roms qui devait avoir un problème
papapat911- Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 2024-08-25
Lorenzolamas likes this post
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