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New to Retrobat, whats the best way to set up PS3 Roms/Collection? Can't get to load from retrobat

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New to Retrobat, whats the best way to set up PS3 Roms/Collection? Can't get to load from retrobat Empty New to Retrobat, whats the best way to set up PS3 Roms/Collection? Can't get to load from retrobat

Post by DiscoStu 03/12/23, 08:57 pm

So the PS3 roms I can find seem to all be pkg and rap files, from a zip. Often only the zip will populate in the retrobat gamelist, but then when you launch they cannot run the zip. I can confirm these work, but opening rpsc3 by itself and unpacking them there, but then how do I get those to link so I can launch from retrobat?

Sorry if this is not the right place for this, tried to search everywhere but seem to be the only one with this question =/

Messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 2023-12-03

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New to Retrobat, whats the best way to set up PS3 Roms/Collection? Can't get to load from retrobat Empty Re: New to Retrobat, whats the best way to set up PS3 Roms/Collection? Can't get to load from retrobat

Post by getupor 03/12/23, 09:02 pm


The best way is to look at our wiki, where the different way to do are explained 😉

New to Retrobat, whats the best way to set up PS3 Roms/Collection? Can't get to load from retrobat Modo

Messages : 1401
Date d'inscription : 2020-10-04

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